I Use HIKA Shop and ExtendedRegistration Login.
When a user order a product, after the registration on the HIKa shop cart registration form, then he receives a email to click for confirmation.
Then the user ist logged-in directly and the registration can be done accepting the legal-and-terms I put on the last step before go to PayPal Services.
Now, when the user log-out and tries to log-in, then Joomla (or ExtendedReg) says, that there is no such user in the system.
I can see in ExtendedReg a param "Terms accepted". But there the new user is disabled, also the checkbox in HIKA to accepts legals and Terms do not give the param to ExtendedReg.
Now, before I ask the Support of Jvitals (ExtendedReg Component programmer), I wish to know where HIKA save the param of the checkbox i defined in HIKA -> configuration -> checkout -> checkout workflow - terms and conditions
In the customer overview or in the customer detail I can't see such a parameter.
Maybe I could change the template for the last step param for the accepted terms and conditions to the ExtendedReg plug to activete there the account.