You can look at the page
which explains a bit our API for plugins.
More specifically, you can define the function onHikashopCronTrigger
Then, you can call the page index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=cron in
your cron scheduler every 10 minutes so that it triggers this function
of your plugin.
Finally, in that function, you can use that code:
$helper = hikashop::get('helper.import');
$contentFile = file_get_contents($feed_path);
$feed_path needs to contain the absolute path to the csv file. Your
CSV will need to have its headers according to our documentation, or
you will have to add the columnNamesConversionTable parameter to the
$helper object with a conversion array like this for example:
$helper->columnNamesConversionTable = array( 'code' =>
'product_code','name' => 'product_name');
This example suppose that the product code column is called code
instead of product_code which is the name of the column in hikashop
and that the product name column is called name instead of
product_name in your CSV.