Hi there,
I know that currently with the Standard [not the Pro] PayPal plugin, when you go from the Hikashop cart/page to PayPal if the person doesn't remember their password on PayPal and goes back to our site or does some other maneuver similar to that - when they come back to the site the Hikashop cart is EMPTIED... this creates QUITE a bit of confusion and duplicate/triplicate orders for our U.S. customers [must be something in the water here and that makes them not able to understand this ]
Is there a way / a parameter that can be switched on/off etc so that when a user comes back to the site it doesn't cancel the content of the cart and their order is still there waiting for them...
This affects about 20% of our customers [and I would say roughly the same percentage on a couple of other sites that I run for US clients]