Given that you have two characteristics:
#1 Color: Blue, Red
#2 Size: Small, Big
And you have a Product in tree variants:
#1 Product: Blue, Small
#2 Product: Blue, Big
#3 Product: Red, Big
There is something that i think is a problem:
#4 Product: Red, Small is going to be selectable on product page tough it does not actually exists.
I can live with the fact that the variant can be selectable but there's something that i don't understand:
- The price of that selection (Product: Red, Small in this case) is set to "Free" as default thus creating confusion in the user.
This can be edited in the language file with changing the "free" field with "The variant you selected is not available" and with some explanation on the product description you can overcome (partially) this situation but this modification means that you're not going to be able to have free products anymore
Despite the fact that the product fortunately gets "Out of stock" message thus making it unavailable to order, the right way to handle this, IMHO, is to have an error message when the user select an unavailable variant, this can replace the "free" price tag.
It could be better to show/hide options based on the selection but this is something that i don't really understand how can be implemented.
So, my question is, how can i override that "free" price with something more coherent when a situation like this occurs without touching language files and loosing the possibility to give products for free?
Thanks in advance.