When I configured Hikashop, on the "Main" tab under "Configuration" I left the default SEF options set which has Category set to "category" and Product set to "product". The problem that I'm having is that this creates multiple URL addresses to the same products. Example: I have a menu option under Hikashop to see "All Products" and products listed under this have smaller, more concise links. Our store has 19 products only. Is there a way from Hikashop to simply refer to one? When I tried to remove the SEF option in the configuration it will not let me without removing all products. Having multiple URL's for the same products will create issues with search engine linking. Please advise. Thanks so much.
Example from "All Products": /online-kratom-products-listing/product/47-parvati-thai
Example from "Category": /kratom-product-categories/energizing-kratom-blends/product/47-parvati-thai