I have fix the code for the listing_price.
$prodClass = hikashop_get('class.product');
$cid = hikashop_getCID();
if(JRequest::getCmd('ctrl') == 'category') {
$categories = array($cid);
} else {
// Only if you want to display the text on product pages.
if($cid != 0)
$categories = $prodClass->getCategories(hikashop_getCID());
if(isset($this->row->product_parent_id) && $this->row->product_parent_id == '0' && !isset($this->row->cart_id))
$categories = $prodClass->getCategories($this->row->product_id);
if(isset($categories) && $categories != null){
$j = 0;
foreach($categories as $category){
if((int)$category == 15 && $j == 0){
echo JText::_('PRICE_BEGINNING');
I does not re-change the translation but you can now do it.
If have configure the code in order to just display "PRICE_BEGINNING" on the category listing, not on the product display.
But if you want to display it in the product page, you can just uncomment the block with "/*" and "*/".