Hi Xavier,
An important subject, that deserves a quite long post...
I understand that your system might be in the need of processing several operations on pictures: place watermark indeed, but also badges I guess... etc.
However, I don't think this is done during the upload itself, which is a separate (and preliminary) operation. The various needed operations are most probably done after that the picture is available on the server.
So I guess that your system first stores the original picture, and then, on the need, generates several new others (one with watermarks... etc). Those 'child' images from the original one are probably stored in a separated folder (aside of the original picture may be).
This drives me to the following remarks:
1) I think that for your system it doesn't really matter from where the picture comes when selecting a new image in Hikashop to replace the picture ID of the product: the system will anyway store it in a place where it will be able to process those operations anyway.
2) To answer your question (sic: why this is important) and explain my point further: if a user can select product ID pictures from his Joomla standard 'Images' folder, he doesn't have to go out of the standard Joomla pictures flow. This has several major positives consequences:
- all images already posted on the server are instantly available when creating products
- he is 100% familiar with the upload process if he needs to upload new ones
- he can use his online picture editor (if he is using Pixlr for instance) on-the-fly to change / adapt his images. Something you can't leave behind if you have started to use it; it saves an enormous amount of time (it drastically reduces time needed to do trials). Thus, making trials, adapting the picture, finding the ideal one is way, way easier & faster like that.
3) So in the end, the most important thing is that the user can select images from the standard Joomla 'Images' folder. The previous operation can be done in a separated browser window, at the same time. Of course, if your system finally use the same picture file explorer than Joomla (for instance if JCK is used, the JCK Explorer) then it could be even simpler: the user could adapt the picture prior to inject it in Hikashop (like what happens when selecting a picture when in an article). But that would be the cherry on the cake.
All, in all I've been a bit reassure by your last message... I really hope that using the normal Joomla folder images (at least for selecting images) will be a feature available soon, at the latest in January then... I just spent some time to explain to my first Hikashop user that this un-friendly way of selecting product image ID will be changed in January... I'm really counting on you on this.
I will post a very positive remark on Joomla.org as soon as I have been reliefed on this.
I just purchased the Hikashop 'styles', investing more on you guys, following your last comment post.
I hope I will not be disappointed, and that Hikashop will keep on getting better and easier release after release.
Keep up the good work,
and the needed improvements,
Many thanks,
PS: if in the end you also choose to store your Hikashop image folder (with all the different picture versions created by your system) in the Joomla 'Images' folder, I don't think it would be a problem... Just name it in a way that makes people understand what is is, and they will not touch it... But that is not the most important thing. Be able to select image from the online standard Joomla 'Images' folder is the biggy. Thxs.