I have just rebuilt the menus - just in case there was a glitch. But still the same.
I am thinking that I may not have explained enough and what I am trying to achieve may not be possible.
My Shop categories are as follows:
- Group 1
---- Type 1A
---- Type 1B
---- Type 1C
---- Type 1D
- Group 2
---- Type 2A
---- Type 2B
---- Type 2C
---- Type 2D
I have three menu's
- Group 1
- Group 2
'Magnets' - Cat-Div with Direct subs, and Assoc Module with 'Direct Subs' (If I set this to All subs, I get a huge list, which I dont want. For this level I only want Cat-Div.
'Group 1' - Product Table with All Subs. (No Ass Module)
So, Magnets menu when pressed, displays > Categories (Group 1, Group 2,.. etc). When category 'Group 1' is selected, it will drill-down to the next level of categories (Type 1A, Type 1B, Type 1C, Type 1D). When one of those is selected, it will then display products in table view.
When Group 1 menu is pressed, it opens up all products of the categories (Type 1A, Type 1B, Type 1C, Type 1D) in Group 1 as table listing - as intended.
Is it possible to have 'Magnets' drill-down, but when it gets to Group 1, it displays Group 1 the same way the Group 1 menu does (and not as a category list)?
Sorry for the essay