Well i fond that the plugin only add my "rental days" to the product and not the options on the product. How can i get the plugin to add to the product option? I do have the Custom field set to the category i have all of the items in.
class plgSystemCustom_quantity_days extends JPlugin{
function hikashop_product_price_for_quantity_in_cart(&$product){
$currencyClass = hikashop::get('class.currency');
$quantity = @$product->cart_product_quantity;
$quantity = $quantity*$product->ordered_days;
function hikashop_product_price_for_quantity_in_order(&$product){
$quantity = $product->order_product_quantity;
$quantity = $quantity*$product->ordered_days;
$product->order_product_total_price_no_vat = $product->order_product_price*$quantity;
$product->order_product_total_price = ($product->order_product_price+$product->order_product_tax)*$quantity;
I also tried Group options with product and both do the same.