On a product details page the Manufacturer can be shown.... it is a clickable link but not always this link will display the products from that manufacturer...
menu-items of products are present, some product details pages will show products from the same manufacturer, other will display an empty page !!
Click on Fabrikant (manufacturer in dutch) and alle products of that fabrikant is displayed......
Click on categories at the bottom of the homepage (
), go to mountainbike and than click on Pedalen and than on PDM540 (
)..on that product details page click on the name of the FABRIKANT
Do the same with the same product but go there through mainmenu (on top of the homepage) Mountainbike, Pedalen and than click on PDM540 and than on the name of the FABRIKANT naam
Same product, same fabrikant, but different outcome...... because one of the pages is empty!!!
What am i doing wrong ?