Thanks to try with that code:
$tmpl = JRequest::getString('tmpl','??');
if($tmpl != 'component'){
$popup = hikashop_get('helper.popup');
echo $popup->display(
'<span class="icon-32-print" title="'. JText::_('HIKA_PRINT').'"></span>'. JText::_('HIKA_PRINT'),
760, 480, '', '', 'link'
do_nothing( function() {setTimeout(function(){window.focus();window.print();setTimeout(function(){hikashop.closeBox();}, 1000);},1000);});
For the email it's a bit more complex.
You have to create a new view to display a contact form to fill the desired email, then on the product page link to this form and give the product id, then on the email form add a button submit, which will call a function to send the email.