Trying AUP to see if it will work on a client's site. Couple questions/comments.
1. Noticed that when I installed AUP and merged the users, I lost addresses store for one user in Hikashop. All gone!
2. The client would like to give out points based on price of products, but only in one category. I cannot see in the instructions or the settings how to do that. I see how to assign points for purchases in a category, but it appears that it will give an amount of points no matter the item price. We need to do either a percentage of the selling price of the item or using the $1 = 0.10 points, but we want this to be only for products within a category.
3. As part of that, is it possible to allow using the points only for that same category?
4. The newest version of AUP that I installed has a couple settings not covered in the online Hikashop documentation. In the payment module at the top right under the Images field is a Price field. What is that for? That is followed by a percentage field, but their is no explanation in the help for either of these fields.
5. Is there an easy, simple screen or component that can show the registered user/buyer how many points they have accumulated? Perhaps in the Hikashop user cpanel? The AUP user menu page has far too many things showing for just a simple rewards program.
Our client wants to reward people who buy in a category with a basic buy 9, get the 10th free. By using 0.10 cents per dollar spent to award points, I think that would accumulate correctly. Now just need to iron out some of the above details to see if we can use this.
Thanks for the help.