As Xavier said, it's not easy. You need to create your own view and do several queries to load all the data in PHP and then display it in your view. If you know PHP, that shouldn't be too difficult though.
First, you need to load all the confirmed orders for a product.
That can be done with such query:
SELECT * FROM #__hikashop_order_product as prod LEFT JOIN #__hikashop_order as order ON prod.order_id=order.order_id WHERE prod.product_code='my_product' AND order.order_status='confirmed'
(you need to change my_product by the code of your product)
You will get the orders number in the order_number column, the Product in the order_product_name column and the custom item fields in the corresponding column names
Then, you need to load the user of the orders with another query:
SELECT * FROM #__hikashop_user as user LEFT JOIN #__user as juser ON user.user_cms_id=juser.id WHERE user.user_id IN (XXX,YYY)
(you need to replace XXX, YYY etc by the ids of the user in the orders)
You can get the ids in the results of the first query in the order_user_id column.
You will get the Customer name in the name column and the Customer email in the user_email column.
With these two queries, you will have all the data for your view.