I want to use Hikashop in catalogue mode for a certain website. The products have prices, enad every prodcuts has variants and/or options, so customers can configure their own product to suit their needs. Customers can see the standard price, including a price of options. I want to use the 'contact us' so that users can send their configuration to the shop-owner to ask the actual lowest price (all prices shown are the adviced prices from the manufacturers, but these items are sold cheeper most of the times).
The email function is working properly, however, I can only see the product, and none of the chosen options. How can I include the options in the email? And is it also possible to send a copy of the email to the customer? I don't want to solve this with a cart system, because there is nothing sold and it's not the kind of prodcut you would buy several items of.
Hope it is clear what I want