Hi IrishEyes,
I have a simple solution if you are using two different sizes!
I literately just found out now by accident
You should try this, I think in your situation it will work since you want to use two different sizes.
Like I said let's say you have two different dimensions and you want the following:
- (default) category images 140x140
- (default) product images 195x130
When you set those dimensions in your
Parameters for DIV then
TWO folders will be created in this example
with inside each a no_image.jpg file.
Location of the folders/files are:
- /media/com_hikashop/upload/thumbnail_140x140
- /media/com_hikashop/upload/thumbnail_195x130
Since I uploaded the
default product image in the configuration and set it as default, I now have to
only change the
default category image by going to /media/com_hikashop/upload/thumbnail_140x140 and upload the my version of no_image.jpg
This seems to work.
At first I was thinking of maybe using a css swap image trick but then I used firebug and saw the location of the image and I had a eureka moment.
Here you can see two different default images. On top are the two default images of categories. And below you see the default product images.
Nicolas thanks for your reply/feedback. Can you still put this on the TODO list. I do personally think that more people want this but don't always ask on the board because they already asked things. Me too I was hesitant to post this. If you like I can make a new post with the title
Feature request: Default product and category separately in the
General Talk forum so that ppl can see and vote. That way it might get more feedback.
Btw I also saw someone asking to have a different default product image per category in another post