PHP: 5.3.20; Joomla: 2.5.9; Hikashop: com_hikashop_starter_2.1.1_2013-03-30
After searching the forums I have found the code to insert a back button:
echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('BACK'),'back',$this->params,hikashop::currentUrl(),'history.back();return false;','id="hikashop_checkout_back_button"');
I have found the right point in the step file - immediately prior to the next button. It displays perfectly.
However, when the user clicks the back button they get the dreaded "Document Expired" message together with a "try again button". Clicking that button brings up another dialogue to "resend" and, having clicked that it does indeed take the user back to a previous step.
I have enabled the progress bar and clicking elements of that will also take the user back - the difference being that the transition avoids the "document expired" problem. The progress bar uses a simpler form of link:
<a href="/index.php/ordering/checkout/step/step-0">Login</a>
...the above code being the rendered form for step 2 pointing back to the first step (here called step-0).
Is there an alternative code that can be used for the button that works the same way as the progress bar?