Wow, suddenly I have the French interface in the forum.
Anyway, the documentation is OK, I think it needs to be hyperlinked a bit more and probably some of the screenshots will need to be taken again because what I am seeing in Joomla 3.0 is slightly different.
I actually used to do a very popular podcast about Joomla. I haven't done it in a couple of years mostly because Joomla has been chancing so quickly that I was afraid that it would become obsolete too quickly.
But I think doing a podcast about Joomla and Hikashop would be great and would be very useful to the community. The way I did the podcast was to take a topic from start to finish and show how it was done. So for instance, one topic could be "Set taxes for a US state in Hika Shop" (Naturally, European viewers would be left out, but even though I was born in Italy, I am not familiar with European taxation).
Another could be how to setup Variants and so on. One important thing I used to do when making the video was to add in the description a simple Bullet list of steps as well, so that one didn't have to watch the video every time they wanted to refresh their memory.
Anyway, first I need to learn it myself so thank you for the links, I'll be reading them next.