Hi everybody , I read a lot of posts but I didn't find a complete answer.
I need to create a website where I'll use Hika only to collect orders (no needs to create invoice or manage shipping point and address and payments).
Customers involved in this project aren't very skilled to use the computer so I need to have the minimum action (Imean click) done by them to submit an order.
In order to do so I don't let users to see detalied info in product view (I disable the link) , I only would to show the listing product (via menu , one voice of menu per category).
Until now I didn't found a way to show some custom "product" field in the DIV view of the listing (and the same field in the email notification.. but for that I saw I need the business version ... currently I'm working on Essential, I'll upgrade later to business).
In other posts I read about custom field talking about item table etc... sorry I only see PRODUCT,address,categorie and user Table , never see item table ... am I doing something wrong ? So to show the product table field in Listing product,/notification/invoice , is it possible without big customization ?
Is it possible to show the characteristic (I need 3-4 choises for each products) in the menu listing product (div) or it is mandatory to "click" to go inside the product view ?
Thanks in advance for your help