The problem is that, your joomla configuration have a "live url" which does not use "https" but "http".
That's why "JURI::base()" returns a http url and not a https one.
We made a Joomla fix in HikaShop in order to prevent such thing.
In the joomla way, your configuration is wrong but we think that it should be right.
You can edit the file "administrator/com_hikashop/classes/field.php" and replace
By this:
$baseUrl = JURI::base().'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl='.$url.'&tmpl=component';
$currentUrl = strtolower(hikashop_currentUrl());
if(substr($currentUrl, 0, 8) == 'https://') {
$domain = substr($currentUrl, 0, strpos($currentUrl, '/', 9));
} else {
$domain = substr($currentUrl, 0, strpos($currentUrl, '/', 8));
if(substr($baseUrl, 0, 8) == 'https://') {
$baseUrl = $domain . substr($baseUrl, strpos($baseUrl, '/', 9));
} else {
$baseUrl = $domain . substr($baseUrl, strpos($baseUrl, '/', 8));
$fields[$namekey]->field_url = $baseUrl . '&';
It would be include in the next HikaShop release.