The view that you have to change would depend on your category listing.
We have to know more on your website and what you are currently displaying.
If we can't know which listing you use exactly, we can't indicate you the right file to edit.
But you can found the right view:
By checking the "HikaShop content menu" (or module), you have create a category listing and set some options.
There is the "type of layout" (div, table, list, etc) and the "type of item layout" (image, image and title, image en description, slider, etc).
By listing the HikaShop views, you can use the search filter on "category" in order to see only the category views.
At this moment you would see "listing", "listing_div", "listing_img", "listing_img_desc", etc.
Some are the containers (the type of layout) and other are the items (type of item layout). You can determine it thanks to the keyword which could be from the container or the item list.
The rest of the process would require some PHP skills.
You have to edit the "item" and change the way that the image is displayed into.
echo $this->image->display(@$this->row->file_path,false,$this->escape($this->row->file_name), '' , '' , $this->image->main_thumbnail_x, $this->image->main_thumbnail_y)
$this->image->main_thumbnail_x and
$this->image->main_thumbnail_y should be changed dynamically thanks to some PHP code in order to have different value depending the category.
$this->pageInfo->filter->cid you would find the information of the parent category for the listing.
Best regards,