In my hikashop business site, there is one category of products (laptops) which has filters on top. So the user can filter for specific prices, availability of the product, size of the hard drive, etc.
Each product has some custom field, which sometimes are numeric and sometimes alphanumeric (text).
I tried to make a filter for the custom field 'videochip'. The custom field has is of the 'text'-type, and i would like the filter to be a singe drop-down menu, which should auto-populate with all the different values that exist in the custom field.
I seem not to be able to set this up in hikashop. Even so, when i try to add some (text-) values under Vales for this filter and this custom field, the values are not saved; Seemingly only numeric values can be used.
Is this correct? Is it possible to have a single dropdown filter with textual values? can Hikashop generate this values dynamically from the custom fields of the products, or should the admin always manually set all the possibles values?
Or am i completely lost. Any help would me much appreciated.