I did what you suggested and I altered registration.php and I've used the following code;
'SELECT * FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__hikashop_user').' as a JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__hikashop_address').' as b '
.'WHERE a.user_id = b.address_user_id AND '.$db->quoteName('user_cms_id').' = '.$userId
$userInfo = $db->loadObject();
$emailBody = JText::sprintf(
It seems to work.
If you have any suggestion then please feel free to make correction/modification to the code above.
Too bad there wasn't an email template available to begin with.
If you guys are willing to put this on the todo-list that would be great and we won't need to hack the joomla files.
I know it's not a priority so even if it gets done later that would be better than nothing.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.