nicolas wrote: What I would recommend instead is to remove the "registration" option, and instead, activate the "Allow registration after guest checkout" setting of the HikaShop configuration.
That way, you'll only have login or guest as options, and after the guest has finished his order, he will be able to easily register to the website with a link given to him.
I removed the "Registration" in Hikashop > System Configuration > Login & Registration but found out that then my separate registration page (from menu item) did not work. It seemed to work and I was getting no error, but the user registration was not submitted and registered. So I enabled it again and instead removed the following code in my override view /checkout/show_block_login.php:
* Registration in Hikashop configuration is need to allow user registration, but we would not like it to be part of the checkout process.
* if($this->options['registration_registration']) {
* $v = JHTML::_('select.option', 0, JText::_('HIKA_REGISTRATION').'<br/>');
* $v->class = 'hikabtn-checkout-registration';
* $values[] = $v;
* }
This solves my problem and it works as I would preferred it to.