Hello guys,
first of all I want to thank developer for this plugin, it's awesome.
Let's go to my issue: I'm creating a e-commerce website.
Everything works until the login-register checkout's step.
I add one or more products, I go to checkout, I confirm the total price, I log in or I register the account but nothing happens so I can't go forward.
If I register, I can see ( in the Hikkashop's Clienti [ I'm using italian translation, I suppose in english is Clients or Users] ) the user that I just created so that means the registration works.
I dont understand the registration doesn't go on.
I also noticied that when I register, I dont receive any confirm mail and the recovery password form doesn't work.
I'm using Joomla 3.1
Last question: how can I add the pop-up when I click on Add to cart?
Please help me, if you want to try,
here the website
Thanks so much.