Hi Eliot,
Thanks for the info - if you can give me some advice on the listing_price php, that would help a lot. I have been editing the listing_price php, but was unable to figure out how to fix things in the category listing part.
Here is my code for the price info:
if(isset($price->price_min_quantity) && empty($this->cart_product_price) && $this->params->get('per_unit',1))
if ($this->element->price_per == 'per ounce')
if($price->price_min_quantity>3 && $price->price_min_quantity<16)
echo "per ounce, minimum order of 4 oz. for any one color";
echo JText::sprintf('PER_UNIT_AT_LEAST_X_BOUGHT',$price->price_min_quantity);
else if($price->price_min_quantity>15)
echo "per ounce for orders of 16 oz. (1 pound) or more";
echo JText::sprintf('PER_UNIT_AT_LEAST_X_BOUGHT',$price->price_min_quantity);
echo " per ounce";
echo JText::_('PER_UNIT');
Do I need to put in a line for: $this->row->price_per == 'per ounce'?