nicolas wrote: You need to do three things for that:
1. Edit the file "login" of the view "checkout" via the menu Display>Views and remove the line:
$this->nextButton = false;
2. Edit the file "registration" of the view "user" via the menu Display>Views and remove the line:
echo $this->cartClass->displayButton(JText::_('HIKA_REGISTER'),'register',$this->params,'','if(hikashopCheckChangeForm(\'register\',\''.$this->form_name.'\') && hikashopCheckChangeForm(\'user\',\''.$this->form_name.'\') && hikashopCheckChangeForm(\'address\',\''.$this->form_name.'\')'.$additional_check.'){ var button = document.getElementById(\'login_view_action\'); if(button) button.value=\'register\'; document.'.$this->form_name.'.submit();} return false;');
3. Turn on the option "auto submit shipping and payment methods selection".
That should meet your needs.
Thanks for that it help. Im almost there. I had to divide the login and shiping/payment step because it didnt work ok with auto submit. Right now i have two steps which is still ok but having some problems with login form. Once you insert your data it dissapers and you cant access it again. If you go back to step 1 there is no form. Would it be possible that if you would want to go back to step 1 that the form would still be there?
Picture of my current flow: