I've setup the FedEx shipping plugin, but can not get it to pass authorization. When I display the order's shipping page, I get the message "FEDEX Authentication Failed". I have entered the test account credentials (account #, meter #, API Key, password, etc.) in the config. I do not see anywhere in the config page to select a test environment or to specify the URL for the web calls.
I need to do quite a bit of testing before going "live", and don't want to end up with a lot of charges that have to be reversed on the real account.
How do I get the test environment to work?
I was able to get it to signin properly with FedEx by chaning the url in the wsdl file at line 4865:
<service name="RateService">
<port name="RateServicePort" binding="ns:RateServiceSoapBinding">
<s1:address location="https://wsbeta.fedex.com:443/web-services"/>
Now it displays rates, but it complains that I need to resend the request With Home delivery selected -- nothing has been selected yet, that's what will happen on this form. It does list several rates, but doesn't have any radio buttons to select a shipping choice.