I'm not sure if this is a how to question, a bug or just me getting it completely wrong
I'm having trouble with Taxes.
What i'm wanting to achieve is all UK orders are charged vat, all EU orders are charged vat unless a valid vat number is entered and the rest of the world isn't charged vat.
I have:
- 1 tax category - default, all products and tax zones are assigned to this.
- 2 tax zones - UK and EU
- 2 tax rules, the first is all UK is charged 20% tax the second is the EU is charged 20% tax for 'company without VAT number.
From my understanding of the documentation and other forum posts, these settings should do what I need.
So, all UK orders are handled correctly, the problem I'm having is that all EU orders aren't having tax added no matter whether a vat number is entered or not. Just as a test i set EU vat to be 20% for company with VAT number, this worked fine and added 20% after a vat number was entered.
I'm using Joomla 3.1 with Hikashop Business and Hika Market
Any ideas??