I have a question about hikashop shopping cart and the possibility to use a plugin trigger in order to generate the url to add a product into the shopping cart from another joomla component.
1. Basically, in a custom component, already registered users (with a joomla account) would accumulate a number of debits totaling to an amount. This amount would be charged monthly.
2. We have in this custom component a table with the user_id ,the amount, the hikashop product_id.
3. we created one product in hikashop. (there will be only one product)
4. I wanted to know if you have a trigger in hikashop we can call by passing the hikashop product_id and amount in order to add a link to the hikashop shopping cart in order for the logged in user to complete the checkout process and pay.
or do we need to manually generate the url (or post button) from our component.
thank you for your answer