I'm using the built in save() method located in the order.php file to save my custom order.
However I also want to include the address too. How would I go about doing that?
If I were to create an object containing all properties such as street, country etc, how would I save that and link it to the order?
This is what I'm doing now. Can I just append an address object to the order object and save it all together?
include JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_hikashop/helpers/helper.php';
include JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_hikashop/classes/order.php';
include JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_hikashop/classes/user.php';
$hikaUser = new hikashopUserClass;
$hikaOrder = new hikashopOrderClass;
// Update hikashop order table with this new value
$object->order_id = $validData['orderID'];
$object->order_user_id = $hikaUser->getID($validData['user']);
$object->order_status = 'confirmed';
$object->order_number = "OR" . date('y') . "-" . sprintf('%04d', $validData['orderID']);
$object->order_type = "Custom";
$object->order_currency_id = "1";
$object->order_created = time();
try {
$result = JFactory::getDbo()->insertObject('#__hikashop_order', $object);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// catch any errors.
// Left Exo-L
$exo_left->order_product_name = 'Exo-L Links';
$exo_left->order_product_code = 'exo-l_links_' . $validData['color_shell_left'] . '_' . $validData['color_padding_left'];
$exo_left->product_id = 1;
$exo_left->product_quantity = 1;
$exo_left->order_product_price = 199;
$exo_left->order_id = $validData['orderID'];
// Right Exo-L
$exo_right->order_product_name = 'Exo-L Right';
$exo_right->order_product_code = 'exo-l_right_' . $validData['color_shell_right'] . '_' . $validData['color_padding_right'];
$exo_right->product_id = 12;
$exo_right->product_quantity = 1;
$exo_right->order_product_price = 199;
$exo_right->order_id = $validData['orderID'];
if ($validData['scan_side'] == 'both') {
$object->product[0] = $exo_left;
$object->product[1] = $exo_right;
} elseif ($validData['scan_side'] == 'left') {
$object->product[0] = $exo_left;
} elseif ($validData['scan_side'] == 'right') {
$object->product[0] = $exo_right;
} else {
return false;
$order_id = $hikaOrder->save($object);
return $order_id;