So, I need 3 additional copies of the western union or bank transfer plugin.
I don´t have much programming knowledge but I tried to edit the plugin many times changing the name, type, class, doing different versions of the plugin, and then trying to install them through the joomla extension path.
Well I give up, there is always some code conflict that appears after instalation, sometimes in the backend, other times on the frontend.
For example, I attached one version of the western union payment plugin edition:
I get an error on the back end:
Fatal error: Call to a member function display() on a non-object in /plugins/hikashoppayment/western2/western2_configuration.php on line 17
Which is:
<?php echo $this->data->display("data[payment][payment_params][order_status]",@$this->element->payment_params->order_status); ?>
If I delete that line I can access the backend, but then I get an error on the frontend
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class plgHikashoppaymentWesternunion in /plugins/hikashoppayment/western2/western2.php on line 118
Which is the last line of:
$information = $method->payment_params->information;
$information = JText::_($information);
$currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
$amount = $currencyClass->format($order->order_full_price,$order->order_currency_id);
$order_number = $order->order_number;
return true;
Can someone give me some step by step process to have the westernunion or banktransfer plugin copied 3 more times?
Thank you