Hi dear Hikashop Team! Here i am again! Thank you in advance for helping me
I need to add a few lines to the simple txt email message order creation notification subject email, but just for the orders that are related to bank transfer.
I tried a few things, but my lack of knowledge took me to broke the last step of the checkout!
Dont worries, i just put the original ORDER_CREATION_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT back and everything went to normal.
Could you please help me?
I would love to add the message just before the BEST_REGARDS_CUSTOMER:
$fields = $fieldsClass->getFields('frontcomp',$data,'order','');
foreach($fields as $fieldName => $oneExtraField) {
$fieldData = trim(@$data->$fieldName);
if(empty($fieldData)) continue;
echo $fieldsClass->trans($oneExtraField->field_realname).' : '.$fieldsClass->show($oneExtraField,$data->$fieldName)."\r\n";
if($data->cart->full_total->prices[0]->price_value_with_tax>0) echo JText::_('ORDER_VALID_AFTER_PAYMENT')."\n\n";
echo JText::sprintf('THANK_YOU_FOR_YOUR_ORDER',HIKASHOP_LIVE)."\n\n";
echo str_replace('<br/>',"\n",JText::sprintf('BEST_REGARDS_CUSTOMER',$mail->from_name));?>
I tried to do it like this:
if($data->order_payment_method=='bank_transfer' && !empty( )){
echo "\r\n".JText::_('BANK_TRANSFER');
But im sure is superwrong !!
Thank you so much again for your patient