Hi, I'm sorry but i don't understood.
For example, in my case I wan't to Increment and decrement not 1 by 1 but the value of the minimum_value_per_order.
I know that I what I want I can find in:
./administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/cart.php in to different lines (94 and 154).
There I have this:
function hikashopQuantityChange(field,plus,max,min){
var fieldEl=document.getElementById(field);
var current = fieldEl.value;
current = parseInt(current);
if(max==0 || current<max){
}else if(max && current==max){
if(current>1 && current>min){
return false;
function hikashopCheckQuantityChange(field,max,min){
var fieldEl=document.getElementById(field);
var current = fieldEl.value;
current = parseInt(current);
if(max && current>max){
}else if(current<min){
return false; }
There if I change on the line 100 the value from 1 to 50 for example, this increase this 50 to the input value.
But I don't understood very well what i can do to solve that.
I understood that I can override this using the file
./YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/hikashop_button.php but I don't understood how and what I need to put and change for this works.
Can you show me a demo please?
For example, increase and decrease using the minimum_value_per_order variable?