I have a specific need and I don't know how to handle it. On my website, you can only order one product, with many custom fields. Some of these fields are "item" type of custom fields, others are "order" custom fields.
In the Hikashop component administration menu "Orders", when I look at the details of an order :
- custom order fields are in the top right area "additional information" (and it can be edited with the link : mywebsite/administrator/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=edit&subtask=additional&cid=169&tmpl=component )
- but in order to look at the custom item fields, I need to click on the product details button (link : mywebsite/administrator/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=edit&subtask=products&order_id=169&order_product_id=177&tmpl=component)
What i would like to do is to regroup all of these informations in a single area. As I have only one product on my website, product ID is always the same anyway, and I don't even need to be able to edit these fields, I just want to have it all on the same page, to be able to print it easily and use it for a "production file" for people who will deal with these orders. If both "item" and "order" custom fields were in additional information area, my problem would be solved, (or for example with a link to a new page that regroups these informations) but I have a hard time to understand how to do that and I don't want to mess too much with administration files.
Is there a way to do so easily enough ?
Thanks in advance !