Hello, i have the following
and i have created individual styles in css to give a "size background image" in every size (XXL,XL, L, M, S)
is it possible to add something in hikashop core to style characteristics only ONCE? As far as i can see every characteristic is styled like this:
...some property
but, when i add a new product the #id (which is produced automatically) will be #hikashop_product_characteristic_xx-lbl. So then i have to style every time each set of new characteristics in css. The problem is that i don't know when a customer will decide to add a new product. If he does then the new id's will be different from the ones i initially created (***), and thus i'll have to add all the new id's
in css like this:
...same properties as above
Instead it would be really helpful if i could use something like this:
<span data-size="XL">XL</span>
<span data-size="L">L</span>
<span data-size="M">M</span>
<span data-size="S">S</span>
this way i can put in my css only the following, and only ONCE:
span[data-size="XL"] {
...some property
span[data-size="L"] {
...some property
Thanks in advance