Huh... problems with filters....
I am trying to resolve problem by myself, but without success...
Please read this carefully, I will try to explain all my problems....
Under product category I have 6 categories ( color printers, b&w printers....), four of them has few subcategories (duty cycle 3000 pages, duty cycle 5000 pages....)
When I create Menu item for Hikashop product listing and Sub elements filter set to Grouped by category, on page I can see product just from two categories without subcategories....
Also, when I create module category filter pointed to product categories when I choose category without subcategories I will see products, but if I choose category that has subcategories nothing appears. How can I include the second level subcategories in filter???
Also, can I make blank page just with filters ? After I choose what I want in filters results appear. On HikaShop by default I will have all products and than with filter I can find what I want. I am trying to make page for device drivers, and it is not best solution to have all products on page, and then after I choose product category, then product, then OS I got driver I on most support pages for driver downloading (asus, lenovo, msi....)
PLease help