I am looking to have simple checkbox on checkout login view.
I turned on switcher and modified checkout login/view file and added this code to registration view file under email field:
<div class="checkout-switcher">
$values = array();
$v = null;
$v = JHTML::_('select.option', 2, JText::_('GUEST').'<br/>');
$v->class = 'hikabtn-checkout-guest';
$values[] = $v;
$v = JHTML::_('select.option', 3, JText::_('HIKA_REGISTRATION').'<br/>');
$v->class = 'hikabtn-checkout-simplified-pwd';
$values[] = $v;
$defaultSelection = '3';
echo JHTML::_('hikaselect.radiolist', $values, 'data[register][registration_method]', ' onchange="displayRegistration(this)"', 'value', 'text', $defaultSelection, false, false, true );
It works and is switching between registration and guest... However what i am looking to have is simple checkbox.
If checked it should switch to registration and back to guest if not.
Is there a way to change this code to checkbox?
I also tried to do what i need with custom field checkbox but it seems there is no way...