Hi there!
This is the website I did for my mom and his small activity she has:
The site is almost done. Just to finish some details.
Would like to thank nicolas and the people who developed this great component.
And another thank you to nicolas for his great support! Always there when you need him! 
Anybody who visit the website (is in Italian but maybe you just wanna check it out how it looks..)I would like to ask you if you can check the shop section (obviously eheh) and tell me if sometimes it has problems displaying the picture of a single product (I mean when you click on the thumbnail and the bigger image pop up). Because sometimes it occured to me (using 4 different pc's) that when you click on the thumbnail it tries to pop up the bigger image but it is not able to load it, and you have to refresh the page to get rid of the shadow effect triggered when trying to load the big image.
Thaaaaaank you!
Waiting for your feedback! And suggestions to improve the website are welcome!