If you have decent android / Iphone programming experience I am looking for someone interested in building
A relatively basic app which we can sell on Appstore/google-play for between $.99 - $1.99ea
should be able to sell 1000-2000 units on each store in a relatively short timeframe 1-2 Months?, what is needed ...
The ability to be able to program and develop app.
The App needs to be able to hook into existing SMS Service (hopefully not breach of rules)
is a feature that I think many of us have always wanted.. and it was about 20minutes ago when I needed it and there is only one poorly coded
application available.
I have the concept / layout ready to go.. just need someone willing to build it for us! 
- Android 2.x+ compatible
- Must be able to HOOK into existing SMS Service
- is not malicious in any way shape or form
- Advertise your services via settings page with link to website etc
- Very Simple Design , Based on Current SMS features for stock phones (may look at other SMS services later)
- 1 Setting feature , with link to your website & developer info
- 1-2 [Buttons] Added to GUI
- little to none graphics required.
- not a lot of coding , probably take good programmer 30mins-24hours to complete.
in terms of profit Share 30%:70% (Me/Developer) , hopefully that's fair.
not sure how long it would take to make , upload and begin selling , but is a sure quick way to make a few dollars.. and is imo a much needed feature.
needs to be compatible with earlier android versions 2.x+ to cater for a wider market-share.
in terms of Iphone , Not Sure whats required.
If you only have Android &/or Iphone programming Experience then we may be able Split into 2 Developer groups? Same Deal for Each?
anyway.. again , just a thought , perhaps... a profitable one.
ps: Great for someone in need of some extra cash , like myself

thanks for looking.. as always PM me for more info or if you are interested.