Affiliate not tracking sales

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5 years 1 month ago #314881

-- HikaShop version -- : 4.2.2
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9.14
-- PHP version -- : 7.2

I am able to see affiliate click logs registering however, no commissions are being added. All is configured as I can see appropriate including the plugin, order statuses and configuration pages.
Aff cookie is served to customer. Order status is active for affiliate (confirmed and shipped).

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5 years 1 month ago #314886

Can you provide a screenshot of the "affiliate" section of the HikaShop configuration so that we can see how you configured it ?
Can you provide also an affiliation link you're using and a screenshot of the settings of the user of the partner ?
Normally, regardless of the order status, you should see the partner in the order details when you edit the order in the backend.
If you don't, it means that the system didn't link the parameter in the URL to the partner/user when the order was created.

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5 years 1 month ago #314909

My config atached.
Can I send you link private?


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5 years 1 month ago #314912


The settings look fine.
I created an order with the link you provided. Could you provide a screenshot of the order details page when you open it via the menu Orders of the HikaShop backend ?

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5 years 1 month ago #314915

No sale.
This is important for us. Partner just lounch campain.
Thank you


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5 years 1 month ago #314919

Is this related?:
PHP Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in public_html/plugins/system/hikashopaffiliate/hikashopaffiliate.php on line 89

PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in public_html/administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/cart.php on line 2583

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5 years 1 month ago #314924


Yes it can be related, can you edit the file "plugins\system\hikashopaffiliate\hikashopaffiliate.php" and change these lines :

		$exclude_referers = explode(',', $config->get('affiliation_exclude_domains', ''));
		if(!empty($exclude_referers)) {
			$referer = null;
			if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && preg_match('#^https?://.*#i',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))
				$referer = str_replace(array('"', '<', '>', "'"), '', @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
			if(!empty($referer)) {
				foreach($exclude_referers as $ref) {
					$ref = trim($ref);
					if(strpos($referer, $ref) !== false)
						$cookie = false;
		}	$exclude_referers = explode(',', $affiliation_exclude_domains);
				foreach($exclude_referers as $ref) {
					$ref = trim($ref);
					if(strpos($referer, $ref) !== false)
						$cookie = false;
By :
		$affiliation_exclude_domains = $config->get('affiliation_exclude_domains', '');
		if(!empty($affiliation_exclude_domains)) {
			$referer = null;
			if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && preg_match('#^https?://.*#i',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))
				$referer = str_replace(array('"', '<', '>', "'"), '', @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
			if(!empty($referer)) {
				$exclude_referers = explode(',', $affiliation_exclude_domains);
				foreach($exclude_referers as $ref) {
					$ref = trim($ref);
					if(strpos($referer, $ref) !== false)
						$cookie = false;

And test it again ?
Kind regards,

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5 years 1 month ago #314950

Will try. But I dont have that code. Now I have (complete file):

 * @package	HikaShop for Joomla!
 * @version	4.2.2
 * @author
 * @copyright	(C) 2010-2019 HIKARI SOFTWARE. All rights reserved.
 * @license	GNU/GPLv3
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

class plgSystemHikashopaffiliate extends JPlugin {
	public function __construct(&$subject, $config) {
		parent::__construct($subject, $config);

		$plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system', 'hikashopaffiliate');
		$this->params = new JRegistry(@$plugin->params);

	public function afterInitialise() {
		return $this->onAfterInitialise();

	public function onAfterInitialise() {
		$do = $this->params->get('after_init','1');
			return $this->onAfterRoute();
		return true;

	public function afterRoute() {
		return $this->onAfterRoute();

	public function onAfterRoute() {
		$app = JFactory::getApplication();

		if(version_compare(JVERSION,'4.0','>=') && $app->isClient('administrator'))
			return true;
		if(version_compare(JVERSION,'4.0','<') && $app->isAdmin())
			return true;
		if(@$_REQUEST['option'] == 'com_gcalendar')
			return true;

		$key_name = $this->params->get('partner_key_name', 'partner_id');
			$partner_id = $app->input->getCmd($key_name, 0);
			$partner_id = JRequest::getCmd($key_name, 0);

			return true;

		static $done = false;
			return true;
		$done = true;

			return true;
		$partner_id = hikashop_decode($partner_id,'partner');

		$userClass = hikashop_get('class.user');
		$user = $userClass->get($partner_id);

			return true;

		$config = hikashop_config();
		$cookie = true;
		if($config->get('no_affiliation_if_cart_present')) {
			$cart_id = $app->getUserState(HIKASHOP_COMPONENT.'.cart_id', 0, 'int');
				$cookie = false;
		$exclude_referers = explode(',', $config->get('affiliation_exclude_domains', ''));
		if(!empty($exclude_referers)) {
			$referer = null;
			if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && preg_match('#^https?://.*#i',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))
				$referer = str_replace(array('"', '<', '>', "'"), '', @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
			if(!empty($referer)) {
				foreach($exclude_referers as $ref) {
					$ref = trim($ref);
					if(strpos($referer, $ref) !== false)
						$cookie = false;
			setcookie('hikashop_affiliate', hikashop_encode($partner_id,'partner'), time() + $config->get('click_validity_period', 2592000), '/');

		$ip = hikashop_getIP();
		$clickClass = hikashop_get('');
		$latest = $clickClass->getLatest($partner_id, $ip, $config->get('click_min_delay', 86400));

		if(empty($user->user_params->user_custom_fee)) {
			$user->user_params->partner_click_fee = $config->get('partner_click_fee',0);
			$user->user_params->partner_fee_currency = $config->get('partner_currency',1);
		} else {
			$user->user_params->partner_click_fee = $user->user_params->user_partner_click_fee;

		if(!$config->get('allow_currency_selection',0) || empty($user->user_currency_id))
			$user->user_currency_id =  $config->get('partner_currency',1);

		if(bccomp($user->user_params->partner_click_fee,0,5) && $user->user_currency_id!=$user->user_params->partner_fee_currency)
			$user->user_params->partner_click_fee = $this->_convert($user->user_params->partner_click_fee,$user->user_params->partner_fee_currency,$user->user_currency_id);

			$user->user_params->partner_click_fee = 0;

		$click = new stdClass();
		$click->click_partner_id = $partner_id;
		$click->click_ip = $ip;
		$click->click_partner_price = $user->user_params->partner_click_fee;
		$click->click_partner_currency_id = $user->user_currency_id;

		return true;

	public function onBeforeOrderUpdate(&$order,&$do){
		if(!empty($order->order_type) && $order->order_type != 'sale')
		if(!empty($order->old->order_type) && $order->old->order_type != 'sale')

			return true;

			return true;

		if(!empty($order->old)) {
				return true;

			if(floatval($order->old->order_full_price) == floatval($order->order_full_price))
				return true;

				$order->order_partner_id = $order->old->order_partner_id;

			return $this->onBeforeOrderCreate($order, $do);

		return true;

	public function getPartner(&$order) {
		$config =& hikashop_config();
		if($config->get('add_partner_to_user_account', 0) && !empty($order->order_user_id)) {
			$class = hikashop_get('class.user');
			$user = $class->get($order->order_user_id);
				return $user->user_partner_id;
		return hikashop_decode(hikaInput::get()->cookie->getCmd('hikashop_affiliate', 0), 'partner');

	public function onBeforeOrderCreate(&$order, &$do) {
		$app = JFactory::getApplication();
		if(!empty($order->order_type) && $order->order_type != 'sale')

		if(empty($order->order_partner_id)) {
				return true;

			if(!empty($order->order_discount_code)) {
				$discountClass = hikashop_get('');
				$coupon = $discountClass->load($order->order_discount_code);

				if(isset($coupon->discount_affiliate) && $coupon->discount_affiliate == -1) {
					return true;
				} elseif(isset($coupon->discount_affiliate) && $coupon->discount_affiliate) {
					$partner_id = $coupon->discount_affiliate;
					$userClass = hikashop_get('class.user');
					$user = $userClass->get($order->order_user_id);
					if($user->user_cms_id) {
						$this->addPartnerToUser($user->user_cms_id, $partner_id);
				} else {
					$partner_id = $this->getPartner($order);
			} else {
				$partner_id = $this->getPartner($order);

				return true;

		} else {
			$partner_id = $order->order_partner_id;

		$config =& hikashop_config();
		if($config->get('no_self_affiliation', 0) && $order->order_user_id == $partner_id)
			return true;

		$userClass = hikashop_get('class.user');
		$user = $userClass->get($partner_id);

			return true;

			return true;

		$order->order_partner_id = $partner_id;

		if(empty($user->user_params->user_custom_fee)) {
			$user->user_params->partner_percent_fee = $config->get('partner_percent_fee',0);
			$user->user_params->partner_flat_fee = $config->get('partner_flat_fee',0);
			$user->user_params->partner_fee_currency = $config->get('partner_currency',1);
		} else {
			$user->user_params->partner_percent_fee = $user->user_params->user_partner_percent_fee;
			$user->user_params->partner_flat_fee =$user->user_params->user_partner_flat_fee;

		if(!$config->get('allow_currency_selection',0) || empty($user->user_currency_id))
			$user->user_currency_id =  $config->get('partner_currency',1);

		if(bccomp($user->user_params->partner_flat_fee,0,5) && $user->user_currency_id!=$user->user_params->partner_fee_currency)
			$user->user_params->partner_flat_fee = $this->_convert($user->user_params->partner_flat_fee,$user->user_params->partner_fee_currency,$user->user_currency_id);

		if(bccomp($user->user_params->partner_percent_fee, 0, 5) || bccomp($user->user_params->partner_flat_fee, 0, 5)) {
			if(bccomp($user->user_params->partner_percent_fee, 0, 5)) {
				$order_price = $order->order_full_price;
				if($config->get('affiliate_fee_exclude_shipping', 0)) {
					$order_price = $order_price - $order->order_shipping_price;
				$fees = $order_price*$user->user_params->partner_percent_fee/100;
			} else {
				$fees = 0;

				$fees = $this->_convert($fees,$order->order_currency_id,$user->user_currency_id);

			$order->order_partner_price = $fees + $user->user_params->partner_flat_fee;
			$order->order_partner_currency_id = $user->user_currency_id;

		return true;

	protected function _convert($amount,$src_id,$dst_id) {
		$currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
		$config =& hikashop_config();
		$setcurrencies = null;
		$main_currency = (int)$config->get('main_currency',1);
		$ids[$src_id] = $src_id;
		$ids[$dst_id] = $dst_id;
		$ids[$main_currency] = $main_currency;
		$currencies = $currencyClass->getCurrencies($ids,$setcurrencies);
		$srcCurrency = $currencies[$src_id];
		$dstCurrency = $currencies[$dst_id];
		$mainCurrency =  $currencies[$main_currency];

		if($srcCurrency->currency_id != $mainCurrency->currency_id) {
			$amount = floatval($amount) / floatval($srcCurrency->currency_rate);
			$amount += $amount * floatval($srcCurrency->currency_percent_fee) / 100.0;

		if($dstCurrency->currency_id != $mainCurrency->currency_id) {
			$amount = floatval($amount) * floatval($dstCurrency->currency_rate);
			$amount += $amount * floatval($dstCurrency->currency_percent_fee)/100.0;
		return $amount;

	public function onUserAfterSave($user, $isnew, $success, $msg) {
		return $this->onAfterStoreUser($user, $isnew, $success, $msg);

	public function onAfterStoreUser($user, $isnew, $success, $msg){
		if($success === false)
			return false;

		$app = JFactory::getApplication();

		$admin = false;
		if(version_compare(JVERSION,'4.0','>=') && $app->isClient('administrator'))
			$admin = true;
		if(version_compare(JVERSION,'4.0','<') && $app->isAdmin())
			$admin = true;
		if($admin || !$isnew)
			return true;

			return true;

		$partner_id = hikaInput::get()->cookie->getCmd('hikashop_affiliate', 0);
			return true;

		$partner_id = hikashop_decode($partner_id,'partner');

		$this->addPartnerToUser($user['id'], $partner_id);

		return true;

	public function onBeforeHikaUserRegistration(&$ret, $input_data, $mode) {
		$config = hikashop_config();
		$formData = hikaInput::get()->get('data', array(), 'array');
		if($config->get('affiliate_registration', 0) && !empty($formData['affiliate'])) {
			$ret['userData']->user_partner_activated = 1;
			$ret['registerData']->user_partner_activated = 1;

	protected function addPartnerToUser($user_id, $partner_id){
		$userClass = hikashop_get('class.user');
		$partner = $userClass->get($partner_id);
			return true;

		$config =& hikashop_config();
		if(empty($partner->user_params->user_custom_fee)) {
			$partner->user_params->partner_lead_fee = $config->get('partner_lead_fee',0);
			$partner->user_params->partner_fee_currency = $config->get('partner_currency',1);
		} else {
			$partner->user_params->partner_lead_fee = $partner->user_params->user_partner_lead_fee;

		if(!$config->get('allow_currency_selection',0) || empty($partner->user_currency_id))
			$partner->user_currency_id = $config->get('partner_currency',1);

		if(bccomp($partner->user_params->partner_lead_fee,0,5) && $partner->user_currency_id!=$partner->user_params->partner_fee_currency)
			$partner->user_params->partner_lead_fee = $this->_convert($partner->user_params->partner_lead_fee,$partner->user_params->partner_fee_currency,$partner->user_currency_id);

		$ip = hikashop_getIP();
		$clickClass = hikashop_get('');
		$latest = $clickClass->getLatest($partner_id,$ip,$config->get('lead_min_delay',24));

		if($config->get('add_partner_to_user_account',0) || (empty($latest) && bccomp($partner->user_params->partner_lead_fee,0,5))) {
			$userDataInDb = $userClass->get($user_id,'cms');
			$userData = new stdClass();
			$userData->user_id = @$userDataInDb->user_id;
			$userData->user_cms_id = $user_id;
			$userData->user_partner_id = $partner_id;
			$userData->user_partner_price = @$partner->user_params->partner_lead_fee;
			$userData->user_partner_currency_id = $partner->user_currency_id;

	public function onUserAccountDisplay(&$buttons) {
		$button = $this->params->get('button_on_control_panel','1');
		global $Itemid;
		$url_itemid = '';
			$url_itemid = '&Itemid=' . $Itemid;

		$buttons['affiliate'] = array(
			'link' => hikashop_completeLink('affiliate'.$url_itemid),
			'level' => 1,
			'image' => 'affiliate',
			'text' => JText::_('AFFILIATE'),
			'description' => JText::_('AFFILIATE_PROGRAM'),
			'fontawesome' => ''.
				'<i class="fas fa-user fa-stack-2x"></i>'.
				'<i class="fas fa-circle fa-stack-1x fa-inverse" style="top:30%;left:30%;"></i>'.
				'<i class="fas fa-dollar-sign fa-stack-1x" style="top:30%;left:30%;"></i>'
		return true;

	public function onBeforeOrderListing($paramBase, &$extrafilters, &$pageInfo, &$filters) {
		$app = JFactory::getApplication();
		$pageInfo->filter->filter_partner = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($paramBase.".filter_partner",'filter_partner','','int');
		$extrafilters['filter_partner'] =& $this;

		if(!empty($pageInfo->filter->filter_partner)) {
			if($pageInfo->filter->filter_partner == 1) {
				$filters[] = 'b.order_partner_id != 0';
			} else {
				$filters[] = 'b.order_partner_id = 0';

	public function onAfterOrderListing(&$rows, &$extrafields, $pageInfo) {
		$app = JFactory::getApplication();
		$myextrafield = new stdClass();
		$myextrafield->name = JText::_('PARTNER');
		$myextrafield->obj =& $this;
		$extrafields['partner'] = $myextrafield;

	public function displayFilter($name, $filter) {
		$partner = hikashop_get('type.user_partner');
		return $partner->display('filter_partner', $filter->filter_partner, false);

	public function showField($container, $name, &$row) {
		if(!bccomp($row->order_partner_price, 0, 5))
			return '';
		$ret = $container->currencyHelper->format($row->order_partner_price,$row->order_partner_currency_id);
		if(empty($row->order_partner_paid)) {
			$ret .= JText::_('NOT_PAID');
		} else {
			$ret .= JText::_('PAID').'<img src="'.HIKASHOP_IMAGES.'ok.png" />';
		return $ret;

	public function onDiscountBlocksDisplay(&$discount, &$html) {
		$options = array(
			JHTML::_('select.option', -1, JText::_('NO_PARTNER')),
			JHTML::_('select.option', 0, JText::_('CURRENT_CUSTOMER_PARTNER'))
		$db = JFactory::getDBO();
		$db->setQuery('SELECT a.user_id,, b.username FROM #__hikashop_user AS a LEFT JOIN #__users AS b ON a.user_cms_id = WHERE a.user_partner_activated = 1 ORDER BY b.username', 0, 250);
		$partners = $db->loadObjectList();
		if(!empty($partners)) {
			foreach($partners as $partner) {
				$options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $partner->user_id, $partner->username.' ('.$partner->name.')');
		$html[] = '<dt data-discount-display="coupon"><label>'. JText::_('FORCE_AFFILIATION_TO') .'</label></dt><dd data-discount-display="coupon">'.
				JHTML::_('hikaselect.genericlist', $options, 'data[discount][discount_affiliate]' , 'class="custom-select"', 'value', 'text', @$discount->discount_affiliate ).

	function onOrderStatusListingLoad( &$orderstatus_columns, &$rows){
		$orderstatus_columns['affiliate'] = array(
			'text' => JText::_('AFFILIATE'),
			'title' => JText::_('VALID_ORDER_STATUS'),
			'description' => JText::_('AFFILIATE_DESC'),
			'key' => 'partner_valid_status',
			'default' => 'confirmed,shipped',
			'type' => 'toggle',
			'trigger' => 'plg.system.hikashopaffiliate.affiliateStatusUpdate'

	function affiliateStatusUpdate(&$controller, $elementPkey, $value, $extra){
		return $controller->configstatus($elementPkey,$value, $extra);

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5 years 1 month ago #314957

I replaced code, but affiliate is not tracking sale. I can see click, but not sale.

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5 years 1 month ago #314961


I'm afraid it will require a FTP and a backend access so that we can debug the issue as we are not able to reproduce it on our end.
Could you provide that along with a link to this thread via our contact form ?

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5 years 1 month ago #314981

Done, thank you.

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  • Hikashop Business
5 years 1 month ago #315086

Any news on that?

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5 years 1 month ago #315095


I did some debugging today and I think I found the issue.
You have an auto loaded coupon on the order and the coupon is configured to deactivate the affiliation thanks to the "Force affiliation to" setting :
So the affiliation is ignored because of that, even if the coupon has a value of 0 ( for free shipping, that's the case since you only configured a 100% shipping percentage and no flat amount or percentage of the products).

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  • Hikashop Business
5 years 1 month ago #315098

Hm, so what settings on coupon should I set? Current customer partner?

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5 years 1 month ago #315100


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