hikashop documentation to carroussel

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8 years 5 months ago #250584

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.7
-- Joomla version -- : 3.6
-- PHP version -- : 5.4

The forum about carroussel has 19 page*9 post= 191post . I can read all this post but is there an official web page in hikashop documentation about hikashop slider or alternative extension that are suitable for replace default hiakshop slider ?

The documentation seem to start from this page after use google search engine .

Hikashop has a HTML search input form for documentation but enter ca*ou*el ( mix of r rr s ss ) don't show me relevant efficient link !!!

here the name of some extensions that appear in hiksahop documentation ( index page )
-name ....................... ............ - joomlastore I - price
- smartslider ..................CM........ - joomlastore - price Single Domain $25 , 100$ illimited
-Universal Product Slider MP........- joomlastore - price 14$ 1 site ,, 19$ 5 site, 59$illimited
-magic toolbox : slide show ...... - joomlastore price 25£
- DJ media tool CMP .....................- joomlastore - price month download & suppport : 45 3 months , 50$ 6 month ,- 75$ illimited
-joomlack slideshow M with plugin for hikashop slideshowCK - joomlastore -extension free , hks 9€
-joomlawork : frontpagelisdeshow - joomlastore no - price 20$ 6month , 27$ 12 months

this list is not very usefull since if we don't know the specification of all the slider/caroussel extension .

Some extension slide free for joomla and kikashop


Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by lionel75.

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8 years 5 months ago #250585

Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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8 years 5 months ago #251978

I wanted a documentation and i have a demo page !!!
In the demo page ; the capture screen show a page options that have been update in the actual hikashop version ...so not usefull even we learn a lot about some parameters !! The page don't give information if All type layout work for carousel ? ( in the page link we can see in all captures screen that the Type of layout is set using select to Div ) .
I not a php dev so need some information to know how connect new carousel and avoid clickodrom joomla php gui .

A documentation should give information about the carousel :
--internationalisation en fr ....
-- base on css framework name ( bootstrap ?, inline , external )
-- base on javascript library ( jquery ?, vanilla js ? , inline , external )
-- support overide slider (?) and item ( yes )

here it is
even the concept of element that appear in a carousel is easy to understand , the name use in hikashop options are not ( for me )
A carousel can be configure using standart joomla module . Those steps to go to carousel in BAckEnd gui are :
--extension -> module ( menu)
--new button -> hikashop module ( tab)
--choose in the list HikaShop Content Module Content display for Hikashop ( option=com_modules&task=module.add&eid=10112)
--go to the end of the page to see Carousel options and enable it and see some parameters
carrousel is a component with a display ( , a controler , and layer that can contain information ( text image)

-configure parameters
--enable carousel : boolean to activate or not the carousel . statc or dynamic content
--Carousel effect :slide , fade . apply on product ?
--slide direction : when carousel effect is set to slide it define the direction it ll move ( see auto slide)
--Transition effect: linear bounce elastic . on the whole slider or each item of slider ?
--effect duration : effect on item or slide of visible items ?
--product per slide : number of item that the slide can show at once
--slide one by one : Yes/No . ? How does it slide if set to no ? slide by a number od "product per slide " ?
--auto slide : slide move in the predefine direction without use finger or mouse gesture
--Transition delay :
--Pagination type :a controler show active item by : number ,thumbnail , name , dots
--Pagination : set the position of layer ? : top right left bottom center
-Switch buttons : Yes/No Does button mean the arrow controller ?


Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by lionel75.

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