Universal Custom Field

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4 years 6 days ago #330396

-- HikaShop version -- : 4.4.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9.25
-- PHP version -- : 7.4.14
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Chrome

Hi guys,
Is there an HikaShop "Universal Custom Field" ?

I want to create into the Address (or User) type a "Birthday" custom field but, instead to create it, I want to add it reading the AcyMailing 7 Birthday field (with read and maybe write access). (I'm using it for sending Birthday emails with discounts and coupons...)

I want to show it into the User HikaShop Address (billing) to permit to the User to read, check and in case "edit" it directly from HikaShop.

Please, Is there a way to do it ?
Please, Do you have any suggestion ?

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4 years 6 days ago #330401


There is nothing "universal" here.
HikaShop has its own custom field system and AcyMailing has its own.
And the AcyMailing "date" type is not compatible with HikaShop "advanced date picker" type as the format of the date is stored differently.
You could create a custom field of the table "user" and of the type "advanced date picker" in HikaShop so that customers could enter their birthdate and manage it in HikaShop.
However, to be able to use it in AcyMailing for the birthday email feature will probably require some code development in AcyMailing so that it could tap in the hikashop_user table for the custom field value. I would recommend to contact AcyMailing's support and checking with them about it. We'll be able to provide any help needed to them if they want to know the format of the data in the custom field of type advanced date picker.

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4 years 5 days ago #330420

Hi Nicolas,

A - As far as I know I can set the the Date Format into the Advanced Date Picker Custom Field > Extra Attributes, Am I right ?

B - I wrote "address" type instead of "user" because I was thinking to show it into billing address, leaving the Joomla registration / edit as simple as it is...

C - With "Universal Custom Filed" I'm thinking to something like the AcyMailing Universal Filter feature

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4 years 5 days ago #330421

Recently AcyMailing 7 added the HikaShop checkout integration.
A good workaround for the "issue" would be this AcyMailing Feature Request:

Custom Fields (Birthday) on HikaShop checkout integration:
- into the HikaShop integration photos.app.goo.gl/BTMVSpEm2qYeDz5A8
- a way to show the selected AcyMailing Custom Fields like i"Fields to display" into the Subscription Module photos.app.goo.gl/SWDeiJ3iDsNGwa3g7
- Custom Fields displaying that should follow the Field properties photos.app.goo.gl/SWDeiJ3iDsNGwa3g7
- It should be really too useful to add in the checkout the Birthday field (when not yet entered would be better and the Mobile Number field that we use with AcyMailing for the marketing campaigns, discount and coupons sending...

I'm adding it here for your knowledge maybe someone is interested on voting it...

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4 years 4 days ago #330437


A. You can indeed set the date format for the date displayed to the users of your website. However, the date stored in the database has a specific format and not linked to that setting.

B. It doesn't change anything but yes, it could be an address custom field.

C. I see what you mean but you can't easily have something universal like that.To add custom fields to forms you need to:
- display the field at the correct place in the form. This could potentially be done by being able to specify an id and a before/after/inside selector
- process the field when the form is submitted. This is problematic as you need to plug the custom field system to the saving of the form with a trigger. But such trigger might not exist and if it does, the parameters might not be adapted.
- save the data at the correct place in the database. This could potentially be done by being able to specify the table name and the primary key.
- quite a lot of development to be able to do all that.

D. Yes, the best would indeed to integrate the custom fields of AcyMailing in the Hikashop checkout. It's possible with the numerous triggers we have in HikaShop. I didn't see the URL of that feature request in your message. Is the voting only for AcyMailing clients ?

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4 years 2 days ago #330558

Hi Nicolas,
A-B-C - Many Thanks
D - I'm agree that would be the best way to integrate birthday field.
I'm not able to find the direct link (bad thing), this is why I gave you the Feature Request page link and the feature request Title to perform the Search:
"Custom Fields (Birthday) on HikaShop checkout integration"

(...and I added the content)

As far as I know the voting is open to all the AcyMailing logged users, doesn't matter if with or without an active valid license... and there is the way to comment and to subscribe (to be notified) the feature request

Last edit: 4 years 1 day ago by joomleb.

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4 years 2 days ago #330564


Ok, I didn't know. I've created an account and added my vote to that feature request :)

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4 years 1 day ago #330619

Hi Nicolas,
Many Thanks. Into the AcyMailing Feature Requests there are two more requests that I added and you, and all HikaShoppers, can be interested:
- HikaSubscription plugin
- HikaShop plugin > Settings > Front-end access > "Display the current user’s elements" HikaMarket

Last edit: 4 years 1 day ago by joomleb.
The following user(s) said Thank You: nicolas

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3 years 3 weeks ago #339568

Bonjour joomleb,

Y-a-t-il eu un retour de la part d'Acymailing sur ce sujet ?

Adishatz, erix

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3 years 2 weeks ago #339586


Je n'ai pas eu de retour de leur part à ce sujet.
Je vous recommande de les relancer.

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2 years 11 months ago #340217

Hi guys,
Yes, during last days I I asked again to Acyba providing a detailed summary Google document asking confirmation on what will be added and what has been discarded. So:

- 1a - Segment > Filter: Wish List + Vendor + multi selection - Accepted, into todo list, date to be confirmed
- 1a - Automation > Classic Triggers > Actions target: Wish List + Vendor + multi selection - Accepted,, into todo list, date to be confirmed
- 1b - Automation> Trigger based on user actions> .... Whis List - Discarded
- 1c - Settings > "Display the current user’s elements" (HikaMarket Vendor) - Accepted,, into todo list, date to be confirmed
- 2a - Frontend Segment Lists > Filter by frontend Logged in Vendor - Waiting confirmation if accepted
- 2b - Segment settings > Allowed groups: … - Discarded
- 5 - HikaShop checkout integration - Discarded
- 6 - HikaSubscription add-on - it is on top of feature requests list, but Alexandre (Acyba Team leader) told me: "...Unfortunately we have no people asking for this compared to all the other features. I'm afraid this one might not be included in the near future > we have to deal with tons of feature requests and most important / used ones are handled before the others..." > Discarded
I'm looking into HikaSubscription integration details before to report it here for Nicolas...

You can take a look into the Google document details summary here , I share with you with right to comment...

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2 years 11 months ago #340435

Hi guys,
according to the latest information, the update with the few accepted AcyMailing HikaShop add-on improvements should be released with the next AcyMailing 7.7.7 release, let's say by the end of April.

About the AcyMailing HikaSubscription add-on I added here a detailed request for you

I remain available...

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