500 - An error has occurred.

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12 years 6 months ago #60820

I upgradede to the last business version last night, and I now get an error when I enter the Hikashop menu backend. This message displays;

500 - An error has occurred.

View class not found [class, file]: dashboardViewdashboard, /home/stingmed/perlekaviar.com/administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/dashboard/view.html.php

If I enter the shop through the submenuitems, it works. But I also get the same problems when I change something, and save it.

Anyone knows what to do?


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12 years 6 months ago #60847


PHP is not case sensitive, but can you try to modify the view.html.php file and change the case of the classname ?


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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12 years 6 months ago #60856

Dear Jerome,

I have a similar issue while trying to view cart or wishlist.
Actually, I have just installed Hikashop to check whether it meets my demands. Therefore I have not altered any files in any way.
Can you suggest what could be the reason of the error?


Error: 500 - Представление не найдено [name, type, prefix]: cart, html, cartView
You may not be able to visit this page because of:

an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
a mistyped address
you have no access to this page
The requested resource was not found.
An error has occurred while processing your request.

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12 years 6 months ago #60859


For the first error, please download again HikaShop on our website and install it again. That should fix the problem automatically.

For the problem of watashi, please turn on the debug mode of the joomla configuration and try to display the page again. That will give an error message with more information on what is going on which will help us fix it.

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12 years 6 months ago #60863

Dear Nicolas,

It seems I mixed up different topics. I thouhg they are of the same nature.
Anyway, please see debug logs below.

Joomla! Debug Console

View not found [name, type, prefix]: cart, html, cartView
Call stack
# Function Location
1 JSite->dispatch() JROOT/index.php:42
2 JComponentHelper::renderComponent() JROOT/includes/application.php:197
3 JComponentHelper::executeComponent() JROOT/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php:351
4 require_once() JROOT/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php:383
5 hikashopController->execute() JROOT/components/com_hikashop/hikashop.php:57
6 JController->execute() JROOT/administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/helper.php:1005
7 CartController->showcarts() JROOT/libraries/joomla/application/component/controller.php:760
8 hikashop_getLayout() JROOT/components/com_hikashop/controllers/cart.php:80
9 JController->getView() JROOT/administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/helper.php:609
10 JError::raiseError() JROOT/libraries/joomla/application/component/controller.php:902
11 JError::raise() JROOT/libraries/joomla/error/error.php:251


Profile Information

Application 0.000 seconds (+0.000); 0.77 MB (+0.766) - afterLoad
Application 0.109 seconds (+0.109); 8.14 MB (+7.371) - afterInitialise
Application 0.146 seconds (+0.037); 12.06 MB (+3.924) - afterRoute
Memory Usage

18.23 MB (19,111,520 Bytes)
Database Queries

23 Queries Logged

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SELECT template
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AND e.type='template'
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SELECT extension_id AS id, element AS "option", params, enabled
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WHERE published=1
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FROM rg2sm_template_styles as s
LEFT JOIN rg2sm_extensions as e
ON e.element=s.template
AND e.type='template'
AND e.client_id=s.client_id
WHERE s.client_id = 0
AND e.enabled = 1
SELECT id, home, template, s.params
FROM rg2sm_template_styles as s
LEFT JOIN rg2sm_extensions as e
ON e.element=s.template
AND e.type='template'
AND e.client_id=s.client_id
WHERE s.client_id = 0
AND e.enabled = 1
SELECT m.id, m.title, m.module, m.position, m.content, m.showtitle, m.params, mm.menuid
FROM rg2sm_modules AS m
LEFT JOIN rg2sm_modules_menu AS mm
ON mm.moduleid = m.id
LEFT JOIN rg2sm_extensions AS e
ON e.element = m.module
AND e.client_id = m.client_id
WHERE m.published = 1
AND e.enabled = 1
AND (m.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR m.publish_up <= '2012-08-16 12:39:45')
AND (m.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR m.publish_down >= '2012-08-16 12:39:45')
AND m.access IN (1,1)
AND m.client_id = 0
AND (mm.menuid = 181 OR mm.menuid <= 0)
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SET `data` = '__default|a:7:{s:22:\"session.client.browser\";s:106:\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.79 Safari/537.1\";s:15:\"session.counter\";i:4;s:8:\"registry\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":1:{s:12:\"com_hikashop\";O:8:\"stdClass\":1:{s:12:\"ssl_redirect\";i:0;}}}s:4:\"user\";O:5:\"JUser\":25:{s:9:\"\0*\0isRoot\";N;s:2:\"id\";i:0;s:4:\"name\";N;s:8:\"username\";N;s:5:\"email\";N;s:8:\"password\";N;s:14:\"password_clear\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"usertype\";N;s:5:\"block\";N;s:9:\"sendEmail\";i:0;s:12:\"registerDate\";N;s:13:\"lastvisitDate\";N;s:10:\"activation\";N;s:6:\"params\";N;s:6:\"groups\";a:0:{}s:5:\"guest\";i:1;s:13:\"lastResetTime\";N;s:10:\"resetCount\";N;s:10:\"\0*\0_params\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":0:{}}s:14:\"\0*\0_authGroups\";N;s:14:\"\0*\0_authLevels\";a:2:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:1;}s:15:\"\0*\0_authActions\";N;s:12:\"\0*\0_errorMsg\";N;s:10:\"\0*\0_errors\";a:0:{}s:3:\"aid\";i:0;}s:19:\"session.timer.start\";i:1345119785;s:18:\"session.timer.last\";i:1345120733;s:17:\"session.timer.now\";i:1345120785;}' , `time` = '1345120785'
WHERE `session_id` = '2e9a2b19db81a460e06540b91b05c919'
16 Query Types Logged, Sorted by Occurrences.

SELECT Tables:

3 × SELECT extension_id AS id, element AS "option", params, enabled
FROM rg2sm_extensions
3 × SELECT id, home, template, s.params
FROM rg2sm_template_styles as s
LEFT JOIN rg2sm_extensions as e
ON e.element=s.template
AND e.type='template'
AND e.client_id=s.client_id
2 × SELECT `extension_id`
FROM `rg2sm_extensions`
2 × SELECT *
FROM rg2sm_extensions
2 × SELECT template
FROM rg2sm_template_styles as s
1 × SELECT folder AS type, element AS name, params
FROM rg2sm_extensions
1 × SELECT *
FROM rg2sm_languages
1 × SELECT m.id, m.title, m.module, m.position, m.content, m.showtitle, m.params, mm.menuid
FROM rg2sm_modules AS m
LEFT JOIN rg2sm_modules_menu AS mm
ON mm.moduleid = m.id
LEFT JOIN rg2sm_extensions AS e
ON e.element = m.module
AND e.client_id = m.client_id
1 × SELECT *
FROM rg2sm_rokcandy
1 × SELECT *
FROM rg2sm_hikashop_confi
1 × SELECT `data`
FROM `rg2sm_session`
1 × SELECT m.id, m.menutype, m.title, m.alias, m.note, m.path AS route, m.link, m.type, m.level, m.language,m.browserNav, m.access, m.params, m.home, m.img, m.template_style_id, m.component_id, m.parent_id,e.element as component
FROM rg2sm_menu AS m
LEFT JOIN rg2sm_extensions AS e
ON m.component_id = e.extension_id
1 × SELECT extension, file, type
FROM rg2sm_rokcommon_configs
OTHER Tables:

1 × UPDATE `rg2sm_session`
SET `data` = '__default|a:7:{s:22:\"session.client.browser\";s:106:\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.79 Safari/537.1\";s:15:\"session.counter\";i:4;s:8:\"registry\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":1:{s:12:\"com_hikashop\";O:8:\"stdClass\":1:{s:12:\"ssl_redirect\";i:0;}}}s:4:\"user\";O:5:\"JUser\":25:{s:9:\"\0*\0isRoot\";N;s:2:\"id\";i:0;s:4:\"name\";N;s:8:\"username\";N;s:5:\"email\";N;s:8:\"password\";N;s:14:\"password_clear\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"usertype\";N;s:5:\"block\";N;s:9:\"sendEmail\";i:0;s:12:\"registerDate\";N;s:13:\"lastvisitDate\";N;s:10:\"activation\";N;s:6:\"params\";N;s:6:\"groups\";a:0:{}s:5:\"guest\";i:1;s:13:\"lastResetTime\";N;s:10:\"resetCount\";N;s:10:\"\0*\0_params\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":0:{}}s:14:\"\0*\0_authGroups\";N;s:14:\"\0*\0_authLevels\";a:2:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:1;}s:15:\"\0*\0_authActions\";N;s:12:\"\0*\0_errorMsg\";N;s:10:\"\0*\0_errors\";a:0:{}s:3:\"aid\";i:0;}s:19:\"session.timer.start\";i:1345119785;s:18:\"session.timer.last\";i:1345120733;s:17:\"session.timer.now\";i:1345120785;}' , `time` = '1345120785'
FROM `rg2sm_extensions
FROM `rg2sm_session`

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12 years 6 months ago #60865

Hey Nicolas, I downloaded the last version, dated today (16.), but the error still shows.


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12 years 6 months ago #60878

Hi gryttn,

There is an encoding problem with the view.html.php of the dashboard file.
At the beginning of the file there is some "NUL" characters which are not display in some text editors.
We are currently checking all other files in order to see if another file as been impacted too. We would upload a new package in 3 hours.

Hi watashi,

The Cart/Wishlist feature is just include in commercial version of HikaShop.
I saw that you use the starter version so, there is some links which should not be displayed.
That's why you follow a link which point to a non existing view.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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12 years 6 months ago #60881

Dear Jerome,

Now it is clear. Thanks for your clarification.

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12 years 6 months ago #60893

Ok, thank you!!

Will you let me know when? I tried to download now (about 4,5 hours later), but the problem is still there.


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12 years 6 months ago #60894

We just uploaded them.

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12 years 6 months ago #60896

Perfect! Thanks for your help! Now the errormessage is gone, and the backend works fine!

But I still have problems with my last post: www.hikashop.com/en/forum/4-how-to/60822...rt-and-checkout.html

I'm trying to change the size of the product qty field, but it just doesn't work. Below is a copypaste from the css. Does this seem right?

width: 15px;

Kind regards

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12 years 6 months ago #60898

It probably comes from your template's CSS which overrides your CSS.
You should try like that:
width: 15px !important;

Also, make sure that you clean your browser cache and that you don't have any CSS cache activated on your website.

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12 years 6 months ago #60905

Thank you again!

Please bare with me, I soon have my shop set up perfectly!

The qty field is now the way I want it, BUT the price in the cart, is still outside of the cart, see picture.

I thought the price would "jump" back in to the box, when the qty field got smaller...


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12 years 6 months ago #60916

Please download again the install package from our website and update it on your and it should fix that.

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11 years 5 months ago #126704


im so impressed with this plugin and thank to team.

im also have problem like ERROR: 500 - VIEW NOT FOUND [NAME, TYPE, PREFIX]: CART, HTML, CARTVIEW.

it had happen after i click popup menu that shows me directly to show wishlist

but error appear...how to solve?

user : demo
pass : 1234

Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by alfianz.

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11 years 5 months ago #126745


We have corrected the problem on our end, and this will be available in the next release.
The problem is that some code is not added in the starter edition of HikaShop, in this code there is the views related on the wishlists. That's why you have this error. I have removed the "add to wishlist", "show wishlist" buttons for the starter edition.


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11 years 5 months ago #126886

this problem still happen again after i install new version..

best regards,

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11 years 5 months ago #126916


The popup is displayed after clicking on the "add to wishlist" button, right ?
This "add to wishlist" button, should not be present.

Has you edited the view "product / quantity" via the menu Display > Views ? If it is, that's why you don't have the latest changes. You will have to save the content in an external file, and then click on the dustbin in the views listing.

Else you can edit that view and remove the part corresponding to the wishlists.
The code look like this:

				echo '<div id="hikashop_add_wishlist">';
					echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('ADD_TO_WISHLIST'),'add',$this->params,$url,$wishlistAjax,'',@$this->row->product_max_per_order,1,'',false);
				echo '</div>';
You have to save the content of this view somewhere else

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