Payment confirmation page

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12 years 1 day ago #94199

My client thinks that it's confusing for the customers on our Payment confirmation page. We had a client complain that the site wasn't working properly because the credit card page looks the same as the confirmation page. I would like to change the confirmation page "next" button to say "Confirm this order" to alleviate this. I have our checkout steps defined:
"cart_shipping_login_address,payment_fields_confirm,end". I tried changing the confirm step to "cart_shipping_login_address,payment_fields,confirm,end" but then I just got a blank page on the confirm step with the "next" button.

Can someome direct me to how I can either correct and customize the confirm page and/or change the "Next" button on the confirm page to say "Confirm this order".
Hikaship 1.6.0/Joomla 2.5.7

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12 years 1 day ago #94301

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12 years 22 hours ago #94333

Merci, I see where I should change this but how do I interpret the step? cart_shipping_login_address,payment_fields_confirm,end Is it step 3 or step 7?

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12 years 22 hours ago #94334

Merci, but what 'step' is the confirmation? 3 or 7?
Thank you,

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12 years 22 hours ago #94337


The confirmation step in your case is "1". The steps start at 0, and are incremented after each comma ",".

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12 years 22 hours ago #94338

Thank you - Merci beaucoup!

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12 years 22 hours ago #94343

It didn't work :( The next button still said "next" on the payment confirmation screen. The original code wasn't exactly like it said in the link above but similar.

Here's the original code:
echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('HIKA_NEXT'),'next',$this->params,hikashop_completeLink('checkout&task=step&step='.($this->step+1)),'if(hikashopCheckChangeForm(\'order\',\'hikashop_checkout_form\')){ if(hikashopCheckMethods()){ document.getElementById(\'hikashop_validate\').value=1; document.forms[\'hikashop_checkout_form\'].submit();}} return false;','id="hikashop_checkout_next_button"');

And I replaced it with:
echo $this->cart->displayButton('Confirm Payment Information','next',$this->params,hikashop_completeLink('checkout&task=step&step='.($this->step+1)),'
if(hikashopCheckMethods()){ document.getElementById(\'hikashop_validate\').value=1; document.forms[\'hikashop_checkout_form\'].submit();
return false;','id="hikashop_checkout_next_button"');
echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('HIKA_NEXT'),'next',$this->params,hikashop_completeLink('checkout&task=step&step='.($this->step+1)),'
if(hikashopCheckMethods()){ document.getElementById(\'hikashop_validate\').value=1; document.forms[\'hikashop_checkout_form\'].submit();
return false;','id="hikashop_checkout_next_button"');

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12 years 5 hours ago #94481

That should work.
Are you sure that you are editing in the good template ?

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11 years 11 months ago #94552

No, I wasn't editing the correct template. Now I can see a change, but now the "Confirm Payment" is showing on both the form where the payment information is filled out and again on the confirmation screen. Is there a way to check more finely? I attached screenshots.

Also, I added quotes around the 1. Could that be wrong?

here's my code again:

echo $this->cart->displayButton('Confirm Payment','next',$this->params,hikashop_completeLink('checkout&task=step&step='.($this->step+1)),'
if(hikashopCheckMethods()){ document.getElementById(\'hikashop_validate\').value=1; document.forms[\'hikashop_checkout_form\'].submit();
return false;','id="hikashop_checkout_next_button"');
echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('HIKA_NEXT'),'next',$this->params,hikashop_completeLink('checkout&task=step&step='.($this->step+1)),'
if(hikashopCheckMethods()){ document.getElementById(\'hikashop_validate\').value=1; document.forms[\'hikashop_checkout_form\'].submit();
return false;','id="hikashop_checkout_next_button"');


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11 years 11 months ago #95013


Try with $this->step=='2'
Because the payment method send to a newt "virtual" step.

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11 years 11 months ago #95634

Nope, didn't work.Is there any other ideas?

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11 years 11 months ago #95652

When you click again on the "confirm payment" is it working fine ? Are you redirected to the confirmation page ?

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11 years 11 months ago #95697

The "Confirm payment" button does not appear. The "Next" button shows on both the payment page and the confirmation page. Everything else is working fine except the button displays "Next" on both the payment and the confirmation pages.

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11 years 11 months ago #95748

In the page where you added the code to change the text, try to use "var_dump($this->step);" it will display the step number on each steps.
Thanks to this you will see on which step your are on each page.

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11 years 11 months ago #95780

It says "1" on both pages. I attached screenshots so you can see. Any other ideas? At least we know for sure it's step = 1!


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11 years 11 months ago #95828


Your two screenshots are for the same step.
Both displayed the payment method selection, but the second one is just after the credit card completion (where the information are display for checks).


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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11 years 11 months ago #95844

Yes, I can see this. I need to change the button on the confirmation step to continue with transaction.

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11 years 11 months ago #95948

It's not really a confirmation step as it's the same step.

So you can't use a check on $this->step as it will have the same value on both cases.

Instead, your check should be:

$app = JFactory::getApplication();
if($this->step=='1' && $app->getUserState( HIKASHOP_COMPONENT.'.cc_number')){

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11 years 11 months ago #98375

That did it!
Thank you!

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