Hi Xavier,
Thanks for the reply, but i still can't resolve my "problem".
I tried to upload onother image 'jpg' and 'png', to diferent users on the user backoffice edit page.
After that i looked to the 'media/com_hikashop/upload' folder, and nothing appears there 
The part of editing the view, and show the picture else where is not my issue, the problem here is that i don't see the picture i uploaded anywhere on HikaShop. The first thing i thought would happen was the picture to be visible in the user edit page of the backoffice as well in the frontoffice profile page.
And with the help of firebug, i see that there is an <img> tag, but it doesn't show the picture. Probably because it is not uploading correctly..
Here is what appears to me in the HTML:
And then, i tried to enter the url of the picture source on the Browser, the picture really appears for download (don't know where from..), but when it opens on windows preview the message is that the picture is too large or may be corrupted..
So, don't know what more to try here..
Found it. While writting this post i tried to look once more, and the picture is on the 'media/com_hikashop/upload/safe' folder.
But still can't see the picture because the download of it seems to be damaged...