@TerryHikashop here the css code to fix it 
Since !important is use you can place the selector defintion anywhere in a css file load in the page
But since the selector is already define , you can modify rather that duplicate selector definition
the location is in /media/com_hikashop/css/frontend_default.css
line 676 ( but you can do a Ctr F ( fin )
change for user icon (only )
.icon-48-user2 {
background-image: url("../images/icons/icon-48-account.png") !important;
.icon-48-user2 {
background-image: url("../images/icons/icon-48-account.png") !important;
width: 48px !important ;
height:48px !important ;
do the same for
.icon-48-order {}
HKS default template ( css file) manage the image location right .
I think one of your template ( one of the css files use on your website) create a problem .
iti is because HKS use in the name of their selector icon- that is use also by black and white glyphicon .
"icon-" is the general way to name raster icon for main website .
Perhaps hikashop could choose another prefix name specific for their default HKS layout template like "hks-icon" ?
I think this is a way to avoid !important . User must know then that if there choose a joomla template
there ll be two Css icon logic ( HKS and choosen template ) .
For example the new code and ressources name could be
.hks-icon-48-user2 {
background-image: url("../images/icons/hks-icon-48-account.png") !important;
width: 48px ; /* could be or not remove ...it depend of HKS html/css default choice */
height:48px ; /* could be or not remove ...it depend of HKS html/css default choice */
All the change ( php selector image name ) could be easy achieve by "automation" script ( rename /reg ex / search & replace ) .
you give the clue/way to go but i think TerryHikashop has until now not the knowledge about css to be able to fix by himself the css code (base on question about css file location . i don't have also the knowledge since it take me time to understand the problem ! ) . when you write "
The issue that you are having is probably caused by your template CSS, so the solution will probably be to use so CSS code to fix it " . I think you could write that "
the issue that you are having is probably caused by HKS template . " HKS is a sub component integrate inside a main master component template so ........ ( you know what i mean ) .
All this is not a problem if you understand the choice make by HKS team and understand css/ joomla.
The problem is there is no coding standart style ( or whatever name to use ) for css when use CMS and specific CMS like joomla .