-- HikaShop version -- : 2.3.4
-- Joomla version -- : 3.3.6
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : all
I am building my first online shop and wanted to get HikaShop business for it, but before I do so, I wanted to make sure it suits my needs, so I am testing the free edition now. Joomla is not new to me, Hikashop is 
My problem is that I get stuck with the registration and don’t get any further.
There are two kinds of user registration as a “menu item”: Joomla and Hikashop. In my template the topbar Registration is linked to creating a Joomla User (URL:
), but in the shopping cart Hikashop registration appears (
). Which one do we need? As far as I understand, HikaShop uses Joomla users, so should I just use it and somehow deactivate HikaShop registration or should Joomla registration better redirect to HikaShop’s one? What is the difference and what is better? Moreover, there is also a “Entry registration” item. If I choose it, the page doesn’t display any fields at all.
Well, I tried two scenarios, but none of them is working for me:
1. If I activate the “Redirect Joomla registration to Hikashop” plugin and set the ID of this menu item into the plugin, I get the following: After I fill in the registration form (by the way, why is there a field “become partner” just below the eMail fields?) and click “Register”, the page just re-loads, all fields become empty again and no new user is created.
2. If I deactivate the “Redirect Joomla registration to Hikashop” plugin, the following happens: After I fill in the registration form and click “register” the empty page with the following error appears in German:
“Die Anfrage wurde zurükgewiesen, da der Sicherheitstoken ungültig ist. Bitte die Seite aktualisieren und es dann erneut versuchen.”
Which is saying that a security token is not valid.
I would appreciate it very much, if you help me to understand and sort out this issues. It must be some minor issue I am sure, maybe settings or something, but I already tried lots of things and just don’t get any further. Checked FAQ and existing topics as well, but didn’t find the answer.
Thank you!