Custom fields read only

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7 years 6 months ago #276589

-- HikaShop version -- : 3.1.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.7.5
-- PHP version -- : 7.02


I've search on the forum but I didn't find anything so here is my question.
I looking for a way to create a custom field where my customer could fill the information on his registration and couldn't modify this information after (VAT and SIRET). I try with the option read-only but if I clic on this option the field is read-only also on registration...
I guess a option like this is something someone already use but where is this settingss ?
Any idea ?
Thx by advance for your answer and have a nice day


J'ai fouillé un peu partout mais j'ai pas trouvé je n'ai plus qu'à poster ici :)
Je cherche à faire un champ personnalisé que le client pourrait remplir lors de la création de son compte mais non modifiable ensuite (numéro SIRET et TVA). J'ai essayé avec lecture seule mais du coup le champ ne peut même pas être rempli à l’inscription.
Je suppose qu'un fonctionnement aussi classique doit exister mais je sèche.
Une idée ?
Merci de vos retours et bonne journée

Adishatz, erix
Last edit: 7 years 6 months ago by erix. Reason: I was not in the french sub-forum, so I translate my question....

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7 years 6 months ago #276598


You can create a custom field of the table "user" and of the type "text" for that. It will be on the user registration form. And it will also be on the user profile page only if you have the "Display custom user fields on user profile edition page" setting of the HikaShop user synchronization plugin activated.
So if you turn off that setting, you'll only have that field on the registration form and once registered, the customer won't be able to change it.

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