Can't save address info (shipping and billing) from administration

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3 years 11 months ago #330592

-- HikaShop version -- : Business 4.4.0
-- Joomla version -- : Joomla! 3.9.23 Stable

I have this problem: it seems that I cannot save or update the shipping address of an old customer from the administration.
When I click on the "OK" button nothing happens. It flashes for a moment but the pop-up remains there.
If I click out of the pop-up it disappears but the new record or update is not saved.

This behaviour does not always occur, if I create a new user I can change their address.
If I change the billing address, the process works even with old users, so it seems limited to the shipping address.
Compared to before, I've enabled the email check at registration from Joomla, so some old users might not have had to check it.

Any suggestion?


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3 years 11 months ago #330600


I would recommend to try deleting the shipping address and recreating it.
It's probably that the shipping address has a wrong "address_type" in the database coming from an old version of HikaShop where that column didn't exist in the hikashop_address table as both billing and shipping addresses were only "addresses" that could be used for billing and/or shipping.

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3 years 11 months ago #330624

Unfortunately, your suggestion does not work.
This morning I tried again to find out what the problem is.

I tried adding and/or changing the shipping and billing details of some of my test users. I attach a screenshot of the tests.

From administration:
- I can't add new shipping addresses (no private, no business, no old users, no new ones).
- I can only edit shipping addresses for business (old and new)
- I can create and edit private and business billing addresses. The private gives an error in the field.php file at line 908 and 912, but saves the data (attachment 2). Business are ok.

Editing the profile from the site:
- As private I can add and edit. All ok
- As a business I can edit existing addresses.
- I cannot add new business addresses because two required fields (nationality and VAT) are missing and do not appear in the form.

One more little thing: I've a lot of carts made by google bot. I've added Disallow: /*updatecart/add* to robot.txt, as asked in other posts, but they're still there. (minor problem, for the moment, but as I have this main problem, it could be usefull to see if someone is facing problems with their cart, so that I can contact them and proceed manualy).

Thank you!


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3 years 11 months ago #330626

Quick update.
Maybe I'm getting out...

I've set not to display the nationality field in the shipping address and that was blocking everything, as it's mandatory to ask for VAT and SDI for business users,
Now, I've set that option, cause it is not necessary for shipping (only for billing) and didn't want to borrow people asking again and again the same data.
If I set to both it seems that everything is working.

I'll do some more checks and keep you informed.

Problem with field.php still exists, but seems not to be a block.


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3 years 11 months ago #330628

Did it!
Trying to explain you the problem made me understand the error :)

Now, I just have this field.php warning, only for private billing address, only in admin update/create process.
It asks for a missing field that shouldn't be related with private.

How the registration process works:
> first I ask about type of costumer (dropdown): private vs business
> If business, I ask for nationality (radio): italy vs Europe
> If Italy 3 fields appear: VAT + SDI + Fiscal Code
> If Europe only 2: VAT + fiscal code
> If private, no need for nationality, I just ask for Fiscal code

Now what is missing, in the warning, is the nationality field for private user. It's just a warning and hika saves the data.
Nationality is active for: public, guest and business and super user
My super User belongs to both private and business; but even if I limit it to private only, the warning appears.



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3 years 11 months ago #330637


I don't understand what error you still have.
You say it's a "warning" message but I don't see any warning messages in any screenshots you posted here or in the text of your messages.
So I can't say much.

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3 years 11 months ago #330690

Hi Nicolas

the warning is disappeared too, so probably my changes as taken effect. I couldn't take a screenshot of that cause it was just a blink with the that warning message.
We can consider the major issue of this email closed.

About the minor one: the abandoned carts created by google bots.
As said, I've followed the instructions about robots.txt but it doesn't worked (right now they have created a new one)
Looked at this post too:
So it seems that I need to change some .htaccess rules to try to stop them.
I'm not so familiar with .htaccess and I don't wont to destroy al the work I've made in Search Console in the last 3 weeks to rank up a little.

I'll post on search console community to ask them too.
If you have some new advice about that...I'm here :)
If I'll get some info from GSC, I'll post it here (better, I'll made a new post)

Have a nice day

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3 years 11 months ago #330699


Well, I must say that htaccess rules are not my forte either.
I suppose you'll want to have a combination of

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