Waitlist Not Notifying All Waiting People

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2 years 11 months ago #340405

-- HikaShop version -- : 4.5.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.10.6

Currently, I have 54 people waiting for an in-stock notice for 1 item.

2 days ago, I had about 100 people waiting for the same item when they came in. At that time, I had received 30 of these items in stock, with another 60 coming tomorrow. Right now...the list has only sent out roughly 46 email notifications...but all the above mentioned 54 are still waiting to be sent. I checked several listings to make sure it was linked to the correct product, which it is...but my CRON waitlist notification that I receive shows that only a couple at a time are being sent.

I also noticed when I received in 150 of another item, only about 50 people were notified on the first CRON run, another 50 roughly were notified on the next CRON run, and then the remaining people were notified on the next run.

How can I get the following to complete"

#1 - The rest of the mentioned waitlist notifications for the people waiting for this 1 item receive their emails
#2 - Have the CRON notify "everyone" that is waiting for something at the same time...or do you think this would trigger a spam alert by other email service providers?
#3 - Is there a way, without changing the CRON timing, to manually push notifications to a customer that is waiting for notice that something is in stock?

Thank you

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2 years 11 months ago #340408


1. In the settings of the HikaShop configuration, you have the setting "Maximum emails sent per product", it's set by default to 5.
In the settings of the Hikashop WaitList notification Plugin via the Joomla plugins manager, you have the setting "Period". It's set by default to 7200.
This means that every 2 hours, the plugin will send 5 emails maximum per product restocked.
This is fine for a small website. If your website is bigger, at it seems to be the case, you should reduce the Period.
So for example, if you set the Period to 1, it will send 5 emails per product restocked each time the cron task is triggered. If you configured a cron task to be triggered once every 15 minutes in the Cron tab of the HikaShop configuration, it means that it will send 20 emails per restocked product per hour.
And with your own cron task (on your server or with another cron service than the one we provide from our server), you could trigger the cron every minute and send even more emails.
However, as I'll explain in my next point, I would recommend not sending too much waitlist notifications.

2. Doing this would lead to several problems:
- sending an email takes time. Around one second if fast because PHP needs to communicate with the email server. By default PHP has a max execution time of 60 seconds. So if the plugin were to send all the email at once, it would probably crash in the middle. So it's better to send the email notifications in several batchs and not all at once.
- if you send a lot of emails at once, you indeed risk having your emails flagged as spam so even without taking into account the max execution time of your PHP, I don't recommend that.
- even if you don't have an issue with the max execution time and with your emails being flagged as spam, notifying all the users at the same time is conceptually problematic for you because:
a - it means many people could come at the same time on your website, overloading it. For example, if you have a waiting list of several thousand people for a product, that means that you'll have several hundred users checking your website at the same time, and it could overload your server with too much requests in a small amount of time. So it's better to spread the sending of the emails. In fact, if you send a newsletter, it's the same problematic. It's usually better to spread out the sending than notifying tens of thousands of users at once. On our own website, we spread the sending of newsletters on several days for that same reason.
b - If you have hundreds of people on the waiting list and you only restock 10 units of your product, notifying all of them will cause problems: when many users access the website at the beginning , they'll see the product in stock and add it to the cart, start to go through the checkout, and only the first 10 will get the product, while the others will do all that for nothing as the product will be removed from their cart once the stock reaches 0 again. Worst, all the other users who will open the email later on will click on the link in the email but the product won't have stock anymore. So they won't be in the waitlist anymore and will not be able to purchase the product in the future. You've lost them.
So for all these reasons, it's better to sending the email notifications little by little. Not only for your server/website, but also for your customers.

3. There is no such option.

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2 years 11 months ago #340415

Nicolas...thank you for the deep explanation.

SO I checked everything you mentioned in #1, and I have it set to send 100 emails every 12 hours (been like this for several years now), but as of this morning, I see my cron only sent 1 email notification out...and I still have 54 people waiting for a notification for this single product.

Any thoughts on what I can check? I've attached screen shots for the Cron notification I just got a while ago, and 1 page of the waitlist for this product. I will be getting another 30 in today, so need to get these going out to customers...but I still have a few left in stock so I'm not understanding why these emails aren't going out. Some of these people haven't been waiting long, others...have been waiting for almost a year (next page on the waitlist).


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2 years 11 months ago #340421


I need information about the situation if you want me to help you as I first need to understand what's going on.
Could it be that you have several products with the same name ? If you click on the arrow next to the name of the product on the waitlist listing, do you get the information of the correct product ?
Or could it be that this product has variants ? How is that product configured ? Could you do a screenshot of that product settings ?
How is configured the "Maximum emails sent per product" setting ?
How is configured the waitlist plugin settings ?

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2 years 11 months ago #340436

Could it be that you have several products with the same name ? - Nope...just a single product with only 1 name, no others like it

If you click on the arrow next to the name of the product on the waitlist listing, do you get the information of the correct product ?Yes

Or could it be that this product has variants ? - Nope...just a single product with only 1 name, no others like it

How is that product configured ? - Correctly just like all my other items on the store. Emails go out, but not ALL emails are sent when I have product

Could you do a screenshot of that product settings ? - Sure...images attached 1-3 are of the product itself (now out of stock). Then images 4-6 are of the product settings in the menu.

How is configured the "Maximum emails sent per product" setting ? - 100

How is configured the waitlist plugin settings ? Image Number 7 attached (at least this is what I think you want)

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2 years 11 months ago #340438


Sending 100 notifications per product at the same time is a lot.
I would recommend you to reduce that setting to 10. And instead, you can change the Period setting from 7200 to 720. That way, instead of sending 100 emails at once every 2 hours, it will send 10 emails every 12 minutes, which is much more reasonable.
Also, make sure that your cron task is running often enough (like once every 15 minutes) under the Cron tab of the HikaShop configuration.

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2 years 11 months ago #340473

nicolas wrote: Hi,

Sending 100 notifications per product at the same time is a lot.
I would recommend you to reduce that setting to 10. And instead, you can change the Period setting from 7200 to 720. That way, instead of sending 100 emails at once every 2 hours, it will send 10 emails every 12 minutes, which is much more reasonable.
Also, make sure that your cron task is running often enough (like once every 15 minutes) under the Cron tab of the HikaShop configuration.

Thank you Nicolas...I'll think on that. The customer base I have all want to be notified at the same time, so when they aren't...and they find out others knew about it before they did...some get upset.

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2 years 11 months ago #340478


In that case, I would recommend considering switching to a SMTP service like sendgrid for your website to send its emails. I should greatly reduce spam issues.
I would recommend against sending more than 10 emails in the same PHP thread.
It would be better to keep the "Maximum emails sent per product" setting to 10 and reduce the cron task to 2 minutes ( and the period of the plugin as well) and use your own server cron task (if your hosting offers that) or use a third party cron task service: cron-job.org/en/
That way, you can have 100 emails sent in 20 minutes. That's better than sending 100 emails all at once every 2 hours.

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